Mar 27, 2018
The Nudge/set items dialog is another extremely useful feature
within Reaper. You can open it with N.
As the name suggests, it allows you to either nudge the position of
an item or set it to a specific location. Nudging the position is
extremely useful however you can do far more than this. For
example, you can nudge the right trim set the position of an item,
or duplicate an item a specific number of times placing each item
on a beat, or every second.
There are a number of combo boxes within the dialog. Firstly, you
can choose to either Nudge or Set. Nudging moves the selected
parameter relative to it’s current location, and set will
move the parameter to a specific location.<br/>
The second combo box lets you choose what you are moving. Choices
include, position, left or right trim, end position, left edge,
duplicate, or media contents.
The item position is the most straight forward, and is exactly as
it sounds, the position of the item on the track in it’s
current state.
If you choose the left or right trim, you are saying you want to
change where the left or right edge of the item starts. It is the
same as growing or shrinking the edge of an item. So, nudging the
right trim right by one second makes the item one second
Another option is setting the position of the end point or right
edge of the item. So if you need an item to finish at a precise
location in your project, than this is an easy way to achieve
Rather than moving the item you can move the position of the edit
cursor, either nudging by a certain amount or setting it to a
specific position.
The dialog also allows for very precise positioning of your chosen
boundary/item edge. A combo box gives access to seconds,
milliseconds, measures and beats, along with samples and frames.
There is also a button that will return the current position of the
edit cursor to the text field.
For more details check out the podcast and explore the dialog in
Thanks go to Justin MacLeod @SkyCladSound for this session.